PerpetuityARC Training Unveils New Bitesize Translated

We are pleased to announce that Linx International Group has released a series of new online bitesize courses available for the first time in Arabic, Spanish and French.

The launch of these newly developed online courses form part of the company’s aim to raise security knowledge and standards, through accessible education worldwide.

The first phase of the newly translated eLearning courses is provided by PerpetuityARC Training and addresses some of the most relevant and in-demand topics for security practitioners today. The courses are:

  • Security Risk Management
  • Security Surveys
  • Crisis Management and Business Continuity
  • Lenses Explained
  • Detection Devices
  • Building Security
  • Access Management

The translation of these courses, a first of its kind, reflects the Group’s drive to be as accessible and inclusive in security training as possible.

Spanish is the native language for approximately 400 million people living and working in more than 20 countries whilst French and Arabic is spoken by 275 million people 310 million people respectively. This makes Spanish speaking security professionals some of the first in the world to have access to these translated courses.

These short, bitesize courses have been developed by world-leading experts, with another four courses set for release this September. Furthermore, an additional two courses use the new simulation platform Linxville (available here), a game changing way to teach security training.

Angus Darroch-Warren, Group Training Director says: “Our Perimeter Security and Hostile Vehicle Mitigation courses use the Linxville platform to provide a highly visual, interactive and immersive training experience. It is both an opportunity and responsibility to make courses available to every security practitioner, regardless of their level of expertise, the language they speak, or the country in which they operate.” He adds: “There is currently in the region of 985 million people speaking Arabic, Spanish or French and until now those working in security-related roles have had limited access to high-quality, yet affordable security management and technical training.”

Each course costs £9.90 inc VAT. Completion of the course is rewarded with the presentation of a PerpetuityARC Training Certificate.